Boxford Little League Board of Directors
Annually, the regular membership of each Little League is required to meet and elect a Board of Directors. Following the election, the Board of Directors will meet and elect its officers from within the membership of the board. Boxford Little League nominates and elects its members in November of each year.
2025 Board of Directors
- Mike McKenzie - President
- Johnny Ingalls - Vice President
- Brandon Sutton - Secretary
- David Surface - Treasurer
- Paul DeLeo - Player Agent
- Ryan Barnes - Player Agent, Field Maintenance
- Chris Pinette - Player Agent, Information Officer
- Brendan Joosten - Player Agent
- Mike O’Hara - Safety Officer, Equipment Coordinator
- Yaro Taeger - Information Officer, Field Maintenance
- Chris Merullo - Coaches Manager, Umpire Coordinator
- Jared LaChance - Sponsorship
- Ralph Cararri - Equipment Coordinator
- Matt Wheeler - Field Maintenance